Healthy Weight Loss Foods Recipes You Can Eat For Daily

Healthy Weight Loss Foods Recipes You Can Eat For Daily

Eating healthy food is one of the ways to maintain our body health. Also, certain foods help your body lose weight, so they are perfect for consuming while you are on a diet. If you want some recommendations, these are delicious and healthy weight loss foods recipes for you.

3 Healthy Food Recipes to Help you Lose Weight

1. Broccoli Pesto with Pancetta Pasta

The first healthy weight loss foods recipes for you is broccoli pesto with pancetta pasta. To make this healthy dish, prepare 300g of head broccoli, 300g of orecchiette pasta, 1 tbsp pine nuts and olive oil, 1 bunch of basil and garlic glove, 2 tbsp of grated parmesan, 50g of diced smoked pancetta, 200g of halved cherry tomatoes.

First, add lightly salted water to a pan, then put the broccoli in it. Boil it for 5 minutes, drain it and set aside. Next, boil the pasta in the same pan. While waiting for the pasta to cook, add the broccoli, pine nuts, basil, garlic, parmesan, and oil into a food processor until smooth.

Then, season it with black paper and a pinch of salt because the pancetta is already salty. After that, cook the pancetta on medium heat on a frying pan for about 2 minutes. Add tomatoes and cook it for 3 minutes or until it softened. Then, add the pasta with broccoli pesto, tomatoes, and pancetta. Broccoli pesto with pancetta pasta is ready to serve.

2. Spicy Carrot & Lentil Soup

Another healthy weight loss foods recipes is spicy carrot & lentil soup. It only contains 238kcal, so it is good to consume during the diet. To make this meal, prepare 2tsp cumin seeds, chili flakes, 2 tbsp of olive oil, 600g of grated carrots, 140g of split red lentils, 1l of hot vegetable stock, 125ml of milk, plain yogurt, and naan bread.

The first step is heat a large saucepan and dry-fry the cumin seeds and chili flakes for a minute and set aside. Then, add olive oil, grated carrots, split red lentils, hot vegetable stock, and milk to the pan and boil it. Wait until the lentils are swollen and softened. Mix the soup in the food processor until smooth. Season it, and serve it with plain yogurt and naan bread.

3. Japanese Chicken With Rice and Greens

Healthy Weight Loss Foods Recipes You Can Eat For Daily

The following healthy weight loss foods recipes are Japanese chicken with rice and greens. Prepare 2tbsp of salt-reduced tamari, 1tbsp of mirin, 2tbsp of tahini, 1tsp of sesame oil,  2 x 250g chicken breasts, a bunch of asparagus, 200g of sugar snap peas, a bunch of halved broccoli, and 250g brown rice and quinoa.

First, mix the tamari, mirin, tahini, and oil in a bowl. Add half the dressing to the bottom of the bowl and add the chicken. Mix it up, cover and place it in the fridge to marinate for an hour. Then, grill the chicken for 4-5 minutes on each side, steam the greens, and cook rice and quinoa. Then place it in the serving bowls.

Those are all three healthy weight loss foods recipes recommendation you might try. It is effortless to cook, and you don’t have to worry about the taste because it is delicious. Happy cooking!


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