Personal Trainer Certification Cost You Should Know

What you Need to Know about Personal Training Certification Cost

If you like to train people to achieve a healthy life, being a personal trainer is a perfect choice. However, there are other things that you need to accomplish to do it. One of them is having a certificate. Here are the things that you need to know about the certification of personal trainer

How to Get the Certification of a Personal Trainer

Not only being a personal trainer, but its certificate is also needed for some things that have to achieve like exams. Besides, the trainer has to meet certain criteria such as 18 years old, equivalent certification or a high school diploma, have Emergency Cardiac Care (CPR) or Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

The Cost of Personal Training Certification

There are various prices for getting the Certification. The specific price of each Certification is between $399 and $799. If you are interested in getting the certification, you can save your money around $500 for it which is between the range cost. Now, you know how much money you can save for getting the certificate.

The Length of Personal Trainer Certificate

The length of this certification is good for life because it provides you with continuing education requirements. Every personal trainer certification company provides different requirements to maintain the trainer certifications. Every two years, the general rule of certification of company must be renewed.

The Cheapest Personal Trainer Certification

There is the cheapest certification for personal trainer that you need to know to save up you money. The Fitness Mentors only costs $399 for the personal trainer certification and it is the cheapest one. From it, you will get the digital textbook, the exams, and 8 types of study materials. You can do it online, so there is no unnecessary cost.

The Duration to be a Personal Trainer

There are five ways to be a personal trainer with various amount of time to get the certification. Theoretically, the certification can be gotten in few hours. There also some companies offer online. However, most of them tend to less equip any real knowledge to the personal trainer since it is held online.

What you Need to Know about Personal Training Certification Cost

The options with the general timelines to have the certification are get the certifications of personal trainer are self-study, certification via Vocational College, Certification and Degree via University Programs and certification via Gym Program. These options have different times to conduct.

The Value of a Personal Trainer Certification

One of the most frequent questions that people like to ask is it worth to have a personal training certification? The answer is yes. The investment in having it is worth. Most CPTs are estimated around $400 to $800. For full time trainers, they may expect to earn the money back at the first month. They will also gain more healthy knowledge as personal gains.

Now, you have already known about the certification of personal trainer deeper from the cost until the value of it. It is important for you especially for trainer who is interested in having the certification because it is worth it and you can choose one of the companies that you would like to join.


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