Personal Trainer Courses to Help you Become a Certified Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer Courses to Help you Become a Certified Personal Trainer

If you are a person who likes exercising and desires to help other people to meet their expectations of exercising, this job is very suitable for you. A personal trainer is someone who helps people to identify their health and achieve their goals. If you are interested in becoming a professional personal trainer, you might have to register for personal trainer courses first.

How to Be a Personal Trainer in 7 Steps

1. At Least Graduated from High School

The first requirement to be a professional personal trainer is you have already graduated from high school or vocational school. This requirement is needed when you want to sign up for a personal trainer course. Some personal trainer courses even require the candidate to have a bachelor’s degree.

If you are still a high school student but want to become a personal trainer, you can also look for a personal trainer course that doesn’t require the candidate to graduate first. But, in general, most courses need you to graduate from high school and have a senior high school certificate.

2. Complete the Certification of AED/CPR

Certification is the most important thing to become a professional personal trainer. AED (automated external defibrillator) and ( CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) are basic skills that a personal trainers must have before they take other fitness specialty certifications.

AED/CPR is a certification that shows the owner can help people or clients in any emergency situation. A personal trainer has to help the client in a medical emergency before the medical professional arrives. Most personal trainer courses require this certification before you can take other fitness certifications.

3. Take a Degree in Related Fields

After you have already got your AED/CPR certification, it is time to look for a college or university with a program related to your interest to become a professional and certified personal trainer. Some programs associated with a personal trainer’s duties are kinesthesiology, exercise science, personal training, human anatomy, sports medicine, and nutrition.

Choose a program suitable for you and your interest in becoming a personal trainer. Not every course institution of a personal trainer or CPT (certified personal trainer) doesn’t require to have a bachelor’s degree. Therefore, if you graduate from a program related to personal trainer’s duties, your knowledge and skill as a personal trainer will boost significantly.

4. Take a Short Course on The Fitness Specialty

The next step to pursue your dream job as a personal trainer is to register for a personal trainer course. You can try to search for an association that provides the specialty you are interested in. There are some specialties in personal training you might choose. The first one is obesity and weight loss management.

Many people might think that a person who needs a personal trainer is someone who needs to lose weight because of aesthetic goals. In fact, not everyone who hires a personal trainer wants to lose weight because they want to achieve their body goals, but for some health reasons.

The responsibilities you have to do when being a personal trainer in obesity and weight loss management specialty are treating the clients’ weight issues, understanding the long-term behavior of the clients, and designing the plans for the clients. Not only design but also you have to deliver weight loss plans to your clients.

The following specialization you might choose is as a sports nutritionist. Being a personal trainer with this specialty requires you to give your clients qualified advice on diet and nutrition. Besides providing advice on diet and nutrition, you have to make personalized programs for your clients to meet their goals as well.

Another personal trainer courses specialties you might choose is as a sports massage therapist. Sports massage therapists, usually called SMT, is a massage that can help people to alleviate damage and pain caused by physical activity. The responsibilities of this specialty are determining the treatment for the clients.

Personal Trainer Courses to Help you Become a Certified Personal Trainer

The other responsibilities of a personal trainer with a sports massage therapist specialty are testing the joints and movements of the clients, providing emergency aid at a sports event, and designing rehabilitation for clients who have injuries. You have to advise on diet, nutrition, and lifestyle change as well.

Another specialization you can choose is strength and conditioning. The job being a personal trainer with a strength and conditioning specialty is to help clients reduce the risk of injury, design exercise plans to help the clients meet their goals, and even help the clients to improve their performance at work out.

There are still many specializations of personal trainer courses you might choose. You can register for a course to be a yoga instructor, a personal trainer for pre and postnatal, for seniors, or even a personal trainer for a person who has a particular medical condition. Just choose what specialty is best for you.

5. Prepare Yourself for Certification

After you know what specialty works best for you, now it is time to prepare yourself for certification. You have to pass the exam to get the certificate, so try to practice questions that are frequently asked on the exam. You can find and do it online or register for a short personal trainer course. To pass this examination, try to study hard before the certification test.

6. Take and Pass the Certification Test

Various institutions provide certification to be a personal trainer. You can get it from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), American College and Sports Medicine, National Academy of Sports Medicine, American Council on Exercise, and National Strength and Conditioning Association.

7. Build a Portfolio and Apply for a Job

After you pass the exam and get your own certification, you can start to build your portfolio. You can get the portfolio by working at a local gym to gain work experience as many as you can. You can apply for jobs at bigger companies if you have a well-built portfolio.

Being a personal trainer is not about helping people improve their exercise performance. There are lots of skills and knowledge to become a professional personal trainer. That is why you must take personal trainer courses first if you desire to be a personal trainer.


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